Updated: February 2021
I’ve spent the better part of the past decade connected to a variety of online circles in which Catholic fiction is not only known, but loved and nourished. So when I step outside that literary bubble, I’m sometimes surprised to be reminded that many people – even practicing Catholics who are voracious fiction devourers – have yet to discover contemporary Catholic fiction.
Maybe they’ve never searched beyond the shelves of the big-box bookstores or the Amazon front page. Maybe they once read a sloppy, amateurish book that fit the “Catholic fiction” description and subsequently wrote off an entire category of books. Maybe their experience goes back decades to syrupy-sweet, hokey religious fiction that turned them off. Maybe they just didn’t know Catholic fiction was a “thing” and are satisfied to read only secular fiction, skipping over the parts they find offensive or contrary to their beliefs. Maybe they haven’t deemed anything less than a recognized literary classic as worth their reading time.
While I love and treasure many of the Catholic classics, I roll my eyes at yet another list of Catholic fiction recommendations that is limited to G.K Chesterton, Flannery O’Connor, J.R.R. Tolkein, and a handful of other books and authors long dead. Plenty of living, breathing authors are writing top-notch fiction in a variety of genres, steeped in a Catholic worldview.
I don’t know a single one of them getting rich. But that’s not why they write in the first place. Most write because they feel called to write and to use their gifts to create something of worth and beauty. But like everyone else, Catholic authors have bills to pay and families to raise, myself included.
If we want to see a revival of the Catholic arts, including literary arts, we need to take an interest and put our money where our mouth is. If we don’t support solid, quality Catholic literature, how can we expect to discover new classics?
Here’s a 2020 take on the state of Catholic fiction, including reading recommendations from an impressive list of readers:
Literary Helpdesk: Headdesk Edition by Victoria Seed
Catholic Fiction and Where to Find It #catholicfiction Share on X
If you are among those uninitiated to Catholic fiction, here’s a primer:
- Cath-Lit Live! hosted by A.J. Cattapan: A weekly series of short video interviews with Catholic authors regarding their new releases.
- Catholic Reads: In their own words, “We are a resource for Catholic readers hungry for fiction that explores their faith through creativity and fosters Catholic writers by promoting good books.” Find reviews and sign up to be alerted to upcoming deals on books.
- Catholic Teen Books: CatholicTeenBooks.com provides information on books for middle grade and teen readers written by Catholic authors and/or from Catholic publishers. Books are organized by author, title, and genre. Information is also provided for teachers and parents with recommended grade level and questions for discussion.
- Full Quiver Publishing: Catholic fiction publishers are few and far between, some outlasting others. Among those handful is Full Quiver Publishing, a small Canadian publishing company founded in 2004 by James and Ellen Hrkach. Genres include historical fiction, mystery, contemporary romance, suspense, Young Adult, and science fiction. (Full disclosure: I have three novels published through Full Quiver Publishing.)
- Tumblar House Catholic Bookstore: An online Catholic bookstore carrying a wide variety of genres, including a healthy fiction selection of both classics and contemporary novels. Books regularly discounted for sale.
- Catholic Writers Guild: The literary home of Catholic writers and authors. For readers, the showcase of members’ books is still in development. However, you can find a current list of books (fiction and nonfiction) awarded the Guild’s Seal of Approval. View: EWTN Interview with Catholic Writers Guild President Joe Wetterling
- Virtue Literacy Project: Still a work in progress, Virtue Literacy Project is building a site to connect consumers with quality media.
- Good News! Catholic Book Fair: The Good News! Catholic Book Fair offers Catholic schools and parishes an alternative to the Scholastic Book Fair. With books for the whole family, the fair comes to YOU. Check out their online bookstore, GoodNews! Book Shop.
- Sabbath Rest Book Talk: Where Fiction is Good for You: While no new episodes are being recorded, past editions are worth revisiting. This monthly video series is a free-flowing discussion led by author Erin McCole Cupp. Each month is focused on a separate theme (i.e., forgiveness, coming of age) with a children’s, young adult, and adult book as examples.
- CatholicMom.com: See this award-winning site’s regular Book Notes features for reviews by its contributors.
- Books for Catholic Teens on Facebook “connects Catholic YA authors with Catholic parents, educators, and other Catholic professionals.” Find the group on Instagram too.
- Goodreads: Handy lists for the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval Awardees, Books for Catholic Teens, Sabbath Rest Book Talk, Catholic Romance Novels, and Theology of the Body Fiction. By searching the Listopia, you can find many other handy lists.
Similar posts providing
ideas and specific recommendations
on Catholic fiction:
- Go forth and read: Catholic fiction and where to find it (The Criterion Online Edition)
- Where is good Catholic fiction? Lots of places online (The Criterion Online Edition)
- Where to Find Catholic Fiction (Dappled Things)
- Five #FAVE Top Ten Lists (Virtue Ink)
- Librarians, Teachers, Parents Take Note (Molly McBride and the Purple Habit)
- Professor Joseph Pearce on Sabbath Rest Book Talk, April 2018
Check out the #CatholicFictionChallenge on Instagram (February 2020)
A Quick List of My Personal Catholic Fiction Recommendations for 12 Popular Genres
UPDATED: January, 2020
- Young Adult: eXtreme Blindside by Leslea Wahl
- Dystopian: Drive! by Corinna Turner
- Children’s: The Attic Saint by Tim Drake
- Science Fiction: Nephilim: Corruption: A Christian Space Princess Novel by Ann Margaret Lewis*
- Thriller/Suspense: Tortured Soul by Theresa Linden
- Middle Grade: Saving Mount Rushmore by Andrea Jo Rodgers
- Romance: All in Good Time by Carolyn Astfalk
- Lives of the Saints: Saint Jose: Boy Cristero Martyr by Fr. Kevin McKenzie
- Women’s Fiction: The Hidden Legacy by Carrie Sue Barnes
- Mystery: Anyone But Him by Theresa Linden
- Historical Fiction: Ella’s Promise by Ellen Gable
- Re-imagined Classic: Cinder Allia by Karen Ullo
* Previously published under the title Warrior of the Kizan.
Original August 2017 list:
- Young Adult: Roland West, Loner by Theresa Linden
- Dystopian: I Am Margaret by Corinna Turner
- Children’s: Molly McBride and the Plaid Jumper by Jean Schoonover-Egolf
- Science Fiction: Discovery by Karina Fabian
- Thriller/Suspense: Frozen Footprints by Therese Heckenkamp
- Middle Grade: 7 Riddles to Nowhere by A.J. Cattapan
- Romance: Stay With Me by Carolyn Astfalk
- Lives of the Saints: Saint Magnus: The Last Viking by Susan Peek
- Women’s Fiction: Rachel’s Contrition by Michelle Buckman
- Mystery: Dying for Revenge by Barbara Golder
- Historical Fiction: A Subtle Grace by Ellen Gable
- Re-imagined Classic: The Memoirs of Jane E, Friendless Orphan by Erin McCole Cupp
I’ve left many great books off of these lists. For more recommendations, subscribe to My Scribbler’s Heart blog (on sidebar), follow or friend me on Goodreads, or check out my monthly reading linkup, An Open Book, the first Wednesday of each month, both here and at CatholicMom.com.)
Of interest:
How to Be a Catholic Author: A Mental Rebook for the Modern Fiction Writer (Free e-book) by Dominic de Souza

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This is great! I’ve been looking for a book like this. Thank you!
Fantastic! Glad you found this post.
Thank you for the useful Info. Full quiver seems not to be accepting submissions now.Do you know any other trustworthy Catholic Publisher or film maker, that I can send my work to? I wrote a novel that’s also good for movie .It is called Narrow Escape To Heaven.
Catholic fiction publishers are few and far between!This list is a bit outdated (Tuscany Press and Chesterton Press are out of business), but it might be a good starting point for you. Good luck!
Hello Fellow Catholic,
You should take a look at the novel “Paul On The Road To Damascus” By James Mooney and consider recommending it to your readers.
Here is a link to it on Amazon. I promise you, it is unlike anything else out there. It just needs someone with influence to read it. If you would like a free copy please reply to this email and I will send you one.
Thank You,
James Mooney
Thanks for your comment! As I’m not someone with influence, not sure I can help you. LOL My list of books that I’ve agreed to read is already so long that I cannot, unfortunately, accept any more. Perhaps you’ll find a reader here though, among the comments. God bless!
Pingback: Classic Catholic Novels - Carolyn Astfalk, Author
These are all great! Please take a look at my new release, “Janie’s Prayer and Our Lady’s Message” Find on Amazon and also on Bookshop.org
Thanks for sharing!