Carolyn Astfalk lives in Hershey, Pennsylvania where the scent on the morning breeze carries either chocolate or manure depending on wind direction and atmospheric conditions.
A Pittsburgh native, Carolyn carries her Yinzer card with pride, having interned at Pittsburgh’s iconic TV and radio stations KDKA and WDVE. She is a graduate of Duquesne University, where she majored in Latin and Broadcast Journalism.
A cradle Catholic, Carolyn was raised mainly at church basement rummage sales and other parish-sponsored events. She worked her way up to “pup girl” at weekly Bingo and even served as a parish organist for several years. Having reached the apex of parish ministry, she moved to the state capital to advance her churchy career.
Carolyn served as communications director and registered lobbyist for the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference for a decade, advocating for religious liberty; prolife, pro-family issues, Catholic education, and healthcare, among others.
Since then, she has been a stay-at-home mom to her four children. Most days she can be found washing dishes, wiping up spills, folding laundry, and tapping furiously on her laptop.
Carolyn is a member of the Catholic Writers Guild, Pennwriters, and 10 Minute Novelists. She blogs at My Scribbler’s Heart.
Stay With Me, Come Back to Me, and Rightfully Ours, a coming of age story, are published by Full Quiver Publishing. Ornamental Graces and All in Good Time are published independently.
Logo design by Adrianne Kihm, Triangle Press.