I’m happy to host the blog tour for Jean M. Heimann’s latest book:
Fatima: The Apparition That Changed the World
About the Book:
Fatima. Few place-names in the Christian world conjure up such powerful images and associations as that of this humble town in Portugal. For it was there that Our Lady appeared to three shepherd children beginning in 1917 apparitions that are intimately linked to pious Catholic practices such as devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the five first Saturdays, daily recitation of the Rosary with the Fatima prayer, as well as miracles attested to even by non-believers, such as the day the sun danced. The Virgin’s message, as it always is, was penance. But she also predicted world historical events such as the rise and fall of communism, the second world war, and the attempted assassination of Pope St. John Paul II. She promised refuge in her Immaculate Heart to all who approach her – a promise extended, and urgently needed, today.
This beautifully illustrated volume will be treasured by long-time devotees of our Blessed Mother under the title of Our Lady of Fatima, as well as those, both Catholic and non-Catholic alike, who seek to learn more about the dramatic events related to the apparition that have unfolded over the course of the last century.
In Fatima: The Apparition That Changed the World, noted Catholic author and Blue Army member Jean M. Heimann traces the history of the apparitions at Cova da Iria and, assisted by over fifty full-color illustrations, guides the reader through the hundred years since the Mother of God appeared to three little children in a small town in Portugal.
My Review:
I didn’t know how much my knowledge of the Fatima apparitions was lacking until I read Jean M. Heimann’s beautiful new book! As a cradle Catholic with at least average knowledge about my faith, I’ve long known about the Blessed Mother’s appearances to three young Portuguese children in the early 20th century. What this book, replete with beautiful photographs, did, is provide depth and context to my superficial knowledge.
Fatima: The Apparition That Changed the World works as a reference book, a coffee table book, a spiritual work, and a primer in history – both ecclesiastical and 20th century world history. One of the most helpful features in the book is a timeline, setting the visions in context with historical events. (It was also a reminder of how slowly the Catholic Church moves, often with good reason.) The timeline is also traced in greater detail through the 20th and 21st century papacies.
Just in time for the centennial of the first apparitions and the canonizations of two of the three visionaries, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, later this month, Fatima: The Apparition That Changed the World not only educates and edifies, but brings to bear the continuing relevance of Our Lady’s message today.
As private revelation, the apparitions, while approved (meaning that they are supernatural and do not contradict good faith or morals) are not part of the deposit of faith. Even so, this detailed story of Fatima left me in awe of the majesty of God and the significant role Our Lady plays in salvation history.
Fatima: The Apparition That Changed the World educates & edifies. @catholicfire #fatima #catholic Share on XAbout the Author:

JEAN M. HEIMANN is a Catholic author and a freelance writer with an M.A. in Theology, a parish minister and speaker, a psychologist and educator, and an Oblate with the Community of St. John. She is a member of the Blue Army and founder of Our Lady of Fatima Rosary and Study group. Jean is the author of Seven Saints for Seven Virtues (Servant, 2014) and Learning to Love with the Saints, A Spiritual Memoir (Mercy, 2016). Visit Jean at her website http://www.jeanmheimann.com/ through which you can access her award-wining blog, Catholic Fire. Her new book Fatima: The Apparition That Changed the World is available for pre-order at Amazon.com or at TAN Books online.
The Blog Tour:
May 1 – Carolyn Astfalk, My Scribbler’s Heart
May 2 – Ellen Gable, Plot Line and Sinker
May 3 – Virginia Lieto, Virginia Lieto
May 4 – AnneMarie Miller, Sacrifice of Love
May 5 – Barb Szyszkiewicz, Franciscan Mom
May 6 – Steven R. McEvoy, Book Reviews and More
May 7 – Lisa Hendey, Catholic Mom
May 8 – Jeannie Ewing, Love Alone Creates
May 9 – Lisa Mladinich, Amazing Catechists
May 10 – AnneMarie Miller, Sacrifice of Love
May 11 — Barb Szyszkiewicz, Catholic Mom
May 12 – Allison Gingas, Reconciled to You and Marge Fenelon, Marge Fenelon
May 13 – Esther Gefroh, A Catholic Mom in Hawaii
Thank you, Carolyn, for your wonderful review! God bless you!
You’re welcome, Jean!
This is such a timely book! And a beautiful cover. I will have to check it out.
I loved how it put everything about the apparitions in historical context. And pictures are always nice too!