I invited Catholic Writers Guild members on the group’s Facebook page to recommend one of their books for reading during this pandemic. What follows are their recommendations, in the author’s words. It’s a mix of fiction and nonfiction. Choose a fun escape, something to expand your knowledge, fiction that edifies, or a means of deepening your faith.
Also check out this list of reading recommendations at Dappled Things: “Literature in the Time of COVID-19”.
Links below are to Amazon, but you can find most, if not all, at additional retailers and some on additional ebook platforms – maybe even on audiobook.
Pandemic Reading Picks from Catholic Writers Guild Authors #CatholicsatHome Share on XA World Such as Heaven Intended by Amanda Lauer
The award-winning Civil War novel A World Such as Heaven Intended would be ideal to read as we adhere to the Safer-At-Home orders during the COVID-19 pandemic. Binge watching is all the rage now, how about some binge reading with a Catholic novel based on a true story that’s steeped in suspense, intrigue, love, compassion and growth that is book #1 in a trilogy? Get lost in Amara and Nathan’s world and forget about the fear and uncertainty in our world for a while!
Catie the Caterpillar by Jennifer Gladen
I write picture books, but I think Caitie the Caterpillar is a good choice to help keep children busy. Caitie the Caterpillar is about a tiny caterpillar who faces her fears bringing about a beautiful transformation. It is a story that shows us there is always something beautiful and hopeful after our darkest times.
Defend the Tabernacle by Patrick Augustin Jones
Defend the Tabernacle explores the realization that sin harms us in the real world and holiness brings us together and heals us. Catharine and Bernard are from different “sides of the tracks” when it comes to faith, yet God calls them to work together to help people in trouble from sin, including themselves.
The Perfect Blindside by Leslea Wahl
The Perfect Blindside is an exciting mystery for teens that will take them on a fun adventure while also highlighting the fact that no matter what troubles we face, God will lead us through.
The Diaries of Joseph and Mary by Dennis P. McGeehan
In some dioceses, a Year of Saint Joseph is being recommended. Saint Joseph is the patron of families, workers, and the Church. The Diaries of Joseph and Mary uses the teachings of the early Church to help us draw closer to him.
A 5K and a Kiss by Maddie Evans
Since “stay at home” orders permit you to go out and exercise every day, how about a sweet/clean romance about a 5K race? She wants to learn to run, and he wants to teach her. Trouble is, she needs predictability, and he’s got a teensie problem with being reliable. A plus: it’s only $0.99 for the ebook.
Death Panels by Michelle Buckman
Death Panels . . . with all the conspiracy theories going around right now? Ha! Government control of our lives and healthcare, deciding who lives and who’s dispensable.
Encounter Jesus! Transforming Catholic Culture in Crisis by Peter M. Doane
My book is Encounter Jesus! Transforming Catholic Culture in Crisis. Starting with an encounter with Jesus Christ, my book leads one on a journey to recapture Apostolic Spirituality modeled in the Acts of the Apostles.
The Mindful Catholic: Finding God One Moment at a Time By Dr. Gregory Bottaro
The Mindful Catholic . . . keeping peace in a time of chaos by connecting our emotions to our faith that God is actually in control.
One Shall Lead by Maria Rosati
My fiction story is for families and it takes children on an adventure where they find the virtue and the power of the Rosary when it seems that the light has gone out of the world. There is a scene where the father is preparing the family, showing them money that is hidden in the house in the case of an emergency, only to be found later by the children, the true gem in the stockpile – faith.
Our Lady of the Roses by Janice Lane Palko
Our Lady of the Roses is a romantic comedy set in Rome that inspires tears and laughter!
Tortured Soul by Theresa Linden
Tortured Soul – a supernatural thriller that will entertain you and inspire you to pray even more for the holy souls in purgatory. Currently $0.99!
Playing by Heart by Carmela Martino
I suggest Playing by Heart. It will transport you to another time and place filled with beautiful music and inspire you with characters who put their trust in God at the darkest times.
Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story: Tools, Tips, and Testimonies by Nancy Ward
Now is the ideal time to journal and clarify your faith story and be ready to share how God is transforming you through God-moments of grace. Draw inspiration from thirty Catholics who share their conversion, renewal and vocation stories. Kindle now $0.99!
BREACH! by Corinna Turner
Because dinosaurs are more fun than viruses–they’re large enough to see and can be overcome by more hands-on means than simply staying home! This moving adventure story will also challenge you to think about what’s most important in life.
Cinder Allia by Karen Ullo
I don’t know about everyone else, but the pandemic has made me crave fairy tales, romance, and happy endings. So, here’s a fairy tale to sate the need for escapism.
What if the happy ending dies before the fairy tale even begins? Cinder Allia turns a traditional fairy tale upside down and weaves it into an epic filled with espionage, treason, magic, and romance.
Opal’s Jubilee by Leslie Lynch
Fresh out of prison, all Opal McBride wants is a chance to build a future—but her past and implacable homicide detective Josh Boone thwart her efforts. Then he discovers there is more to her story than it seems, and risks his reputation (and heart) in a quest for truth—maybe even justice.
At Home in Persimmon Hollow by Gerri Bauer
A teacher struggles to feel at home in 1890s rural Florida and longs for the people, places, and comfortable routines she left behind. Her deep faith helps her uncover the true meaning of home, a lesson that’s as important now as it was in the past.
North American Martyrs Kids Activity Book by Bonnie Way
In the 1600s, eight Jesuit missionaries traveled to New France to spread God’s Word to the peoples of North America, and gave their lives for the love of God and those people. This activity book is for kids ages 6-12 and includes bios, word puzzles, mazes, coloring pages, reading and writing prompts, and more.
All in Good Time by Carolyn Astfalk
What happens to Brian when his world comes crashing down? Will he turn to the false comfort of old, habitual sin? Or will he seek God’s grace and trust Him and His timing?
Prisoners of War by Sarah Gracia
There’s strong Catholic themes, and it features OCD. The fear people are experiencing right now is what people with OCD go through every day. Prisoners of War can give people an idea about mental health issues during quarantine, which can flare up in these times.
The Hungry Kitten’s Tale by Elizabeth Fust
Based on the miracle of the loaves and the fishes, this picture book talks about discovering Jesus and sharing. A great read for young ones who have read through all their books already. There is even a coloring page to go with the book (linked under Book Extras).
Andrastea: The Annals of Orbis Book 1 by Anastasia Vincent
Adrastea is quite unlike popular teen fantasy. It is traditional, heroic, medieval, Tolkien-inspired stuff which operates on the principles of old-fashioned virtue. But don’t worry, the virtue part will not get in the way. The book is a thrilling, utterly enjoyable read of the page-turning kind. You will experience heart wrenching tragedy, comedy, suspense, mystery and some unexpected plot twists.
The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch by T.M. Gaouette
A story about foster children overcoming adversity and looking to God for strength, The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch inspires much needed hope in times of uncertainty!

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Thanks so much for sharing, Carolyn. I think autocorrect foiled me again in my description of Playing by Heart–I’d meant to type “transport” and it came out as “transform.”