First Line Friday – The Bird and the Bees

The Bird and the Bees

by Neena Gaynor

They say if you don’t tell the bees when someone dies, they’ll leave.

The obvious question raised by this first line is, “Who died?” And we’re already immediately drawn to the title and the (beautiful!) cover with reference to the bees.

What’s the first line of the book you’re reading? Or the book nearest to you?


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An Open Book

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Welcome to the July 2020 edition of An Open Book, hosted both at My Scribbler’s Heart AND!

I’ve been squeezing in a lot of short reads lately, so let’s get right to it!

The Machine Stops

Science fiction isn’t usually my thing, but I heard about The Machine Stops by E.M. Forster on The Catholic Reading Challenge podcast and downloaded a copy. In this dystopian future, humans exist entirely in their government-assigned apartments, interacting with others only via button and screen. Sound familiar? The thing that most gave me pause about this story is that it was written more than 100 years ago!

The Boden Birthright

The Boden Birthright by Mary Connealy is a novella prequel to The Cimarron Legacy series, which I plan on reading soon. It provides an introduction to some of the characters in this Texas ranch series. While I think understanding this bit of back story will enhance my enjoyment of the books, I found it a little lackluster.

Sarah, Plain and Tall

Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan is a children’s classic I never read. I had no idea it was so short—and deceptively simple. It paints a lovely portrait of frontier life told from a young girl’s point of view as her widowed father welcomes a mail order bride of sorts into their family. I think my daughters will love this one.

The Lost Letter

The Lost Letter is the second book I’ve read by Mimi Matthews. It was a perfect distraction on a beautiful Sunday afternoon when the world was going crazy. Well-developed characters and a second-chance Victorian romance tugged on my heart in the best way.

The Matrimonial Advertisement

I immediately switched to The Matrimonial Advertisement, also by Mimi Matthews, the first book in the Parish Orphans of Devon series. This shares some superficial similarities to The Lost Letter (mainly a wounded veteran of an Indian (as in India, not American native) uprising), but this story amid the rugged seaside cliffs with its dilapidated abbey drew me in. With a touch of the Gothic, the quality of this Victorian romance ensured I’d be reading the remaining books in the series.

Ladies of Intrigue

I won Ladies of Intrigue: 3 Tales of 19th-Century Romance with a Dash of Mystery by Michelle Griep in a Goodreads giveaway, and I’ve been tardy in reading and reviewing it. I love the author’s novels, and these stories were enjoyable, even if not as moving . Length is a factor here. These were quick reads though with well-developed characters and a good sampling of the author’s style. I enjoyed the mystery aspect in each of the stories, particularly the first story, “The Gentleman Smuggler’s Lady.”

Courting Morrow Little

Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz came recommended to me on several fronts, and I’ve been meaning to read it for quite a while. Still looking to immerse myself in something other than current events, I dove in, loving the lush Kentucky wilderness world that the author created. The sweeping romance delves into the simple lives of late-18th century Americans complicated by the competing interests of natives, pioneers, the British, and the French –not to mention the threats of disease and deprivation. The romance between a Kentucky pastor’s daughter and the half-native man whose life has been intertwined with hers since childhood is tender, heartfelt, and passionate.

St. Anne's Day

I zipped through two novels by Catholic author Janice Lane Palko in a few days.  St. Anne’s Day, set in Pittsburgh, was a little like visiting home with its casts of characters that speak and act like the people I was surrounded by growing up, from their down-to-earth frankness to their uniquely Pittsburgh quirks and cultural Catholicism. There’s a lot of levity to this book even though it deals with some grave topics. The romance is between a fallen-away Catholic/avowed bachelor bar owner and the visiting nurse tending to his ailing, aged mother. Their path to a happily ever after is anything but straight.

Our Lady of the Roses

The sequel, Our Lady of the Roses, is hard to put in a box. Is it a comedy? Yes. Does it deal with serious spiritual matters? Yes. Is it Christian fiction? Yes. Does it fit the Christian Booksellers Association mold for Christian novels? No. And a little diversity among my Christian fiction is good, I think. The story follows superficial, promiscuous Janetta to Rome as she accompanies boring Bob, a salon client, on a business trip (with a side pilgrimage). Bob is the steady, honorable guy Janetta needs but doesn’t think she deserves.

The Runaway Bride

The Runaway Bride by Jody Hedlund, second in the The Bride Ships series, takes place at the same time as the first book as a ship of prospective English brides arrive in British Columbia. I like the prodigal son aspect of this story as developed in the hero, Pete. A lowly baker, Pete sets his sights on the aristocratic Arabella, running from what all but certainly would’ve been an abusive arranged marriage. I’ve seen others refer to this story as involving a love triangle, but there never seemed to be any real competition in that regard, at least not one I couldn’t see easily resolved, so I didn’t classify it that way.

Dooku: Jedi Lost

My teenage son enjoyed listening to the audio drama Dooku: Jedi Lost by Cavan Scott, which chronicles Dooku’s life as a Jedi before he turned to the Dark Side, while taking his daily walk. It was like listening to a movie, he said. It’s now one of his favorite Star War books.

Life Changing Love Cover

My middle-school daughter is working her way through Theresa Linden’s West Brothers series, most recently Life-Changing Love. I’ve read the book myself, but it was interesting to see it through my pre-teen daughter’s eyes as she discerned the good and bad relationship choices the characters were making. What a great opportunity for her to see real-life consequences in a fictional setting where no people are harmed!

She also enjoyed a book I’m going to read as well: Beneath Wandering Stars by Ashlee Cowles, which I think I first saw recommended by Catholic Teen Books author Leslea Wahl and made part of my summer reading list. Honoring a vow to her wounded soldier brother, Gabriela walks the Camino de Santiago with her brother’s best friend, whom she despises.

Across Five Aprils

Across Five Aprils is a historical novel set during the Civil War that I saw recommended on an An Open Book post and knew immediately would appeal to my daughter, who loves American history. It follows young Jethro Creighton, starting in 1861, through the Civil War as his family is pulled into the conflict between North and South.

Heavenly Hosts

I read two stories from Heavenly Hosts:  Eucharistic Miracles for Kids to my now-third grade daughter, in bed each night. She enjoyed listening to the stories set in various centuries and throughout the world. The fictional details Kathryn Griffin Swegart adds to the true miracles make them more interesting and engaging for young readers. A few editing details could be cleaned up in the text but didn’t detract from my daughter’s enjoyment.

This is the third child in the household reading the Origami Yoda series, and she is currently reading The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee by Tom Angleberger. These are fun books for my Star Wars fans, who usually ending up grabbing paper and attempting to make little origami creations.

Secrets of Winter

After purchasing books through a recent online Usborne party, my two youngest are re-discovering the Shine-A-Light books they enjoy. The new favorite seems to be  Secrets of Winter by Carron Brown. If you have young kids in your life and you haven’t discovered these, they are such fun! Hold a flashlight behind the page to reveal a hidden part of the illustration.

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Three Last Things: New Fiction from Corinna Turner

About the Book:

“Love doesn’t exist. And Fr. Jacob is right about one thing. 

Without it, life is utterly meaningless.”


Carl Jarrold, a convicted assassin, believes that all human relationships turn on what one human being wants from another: that there is no such thing as love and thus no meaning to life. Prison chaplain Fr. Jacob, the closest thing he has to a friend, has struggled for three long years to convince Carl how wrong he is—to no avail. But the day of execution has finally arrived, and nothing goes quite as Carl expects. Soon it’s shaping up to be the strangest day he has ever had. But will it prove the worst day of his life…or the best?

This tense, “psychologically-compelling,” spiritual thriller is a standalone novella from the Carnegie Medal Nominated author of the award-winning I AM MARGARET series. Described as “beautiful,” “fantastically good,” and “one of the most moving stories I have ever read,” this is a race against time for the highest possible stakes.

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“My Captain” by F.P. Astfalk

What good is a blog if I can’t publish my own children’s work? My twelve-year-old daughter recently received an honorable mention for this short work,”My Captain,” in The Hershey Story History Contest for Young Writers.

Next week, a short award-winning piece by her older brother.


I struggled to keep my balance. Captain would kill me if I dropped this bag.


This was worse than the thunder.


I scrambled up the steps.

“Where’s the powder monkey?” Master Gunner called.

I raced to the gunners, handing them the fine powder.

This is the most thrilling job I’ve ever had. The only drawback is that I’m on one of the most wanted vessels in Spain.


I tripped on the steps. Getting up, I grabbed another bag of gunpowder.

“Boy! Hurry up!” Master Gunner called, yet again.

I repeated the same motions over and over. To the orlop, down the steps, grab the powder, up the steps, deliver, repeat. If I weren’t in the middle of a heated battle, I’d drop dead of boredom. This wasn’t the first time I’d done this though. Many a time I had delivered the powder over and over again. So many times I wondered if we were breaking the law. All this raiding would pay off eventually and probably be quite profitable. If it didn’t, I’d rip my hair out. After all, I’d have to show Mama something. She thinks I work for a whaler.

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Give a Book for Sacrament Celebrations

What follows are recommendations for books – fiction and nonfiction – to give as gifts in celebration of the sacraments. From picture books to spiritual reflection to novels, it’s covered.

If I’ve reviewed a book listed, I included a sentence or two from my review. The remainder I’ve either read but not reviewed or received as a recommendation. (Thanks to Deacon Tom Lang and members of the Catholic Writers Guild for their recommendations for Holy Orders and Anointing of the Sick.)

Now, Anointing of the Sick isn’t really a celebratory sacrament. What I’ve listed are recommendations on illness and/or suffering that may be appropriate for someone facing the threat of death.

Finally, I received so many recommendations from the author-readers at the Catholic Writers Guild, that I listed some additional books for your consideration at the end.

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Relevant Fiction Reviews: Fantasy Fiction

Relevant Fiction Reviews
Elfling (U.S. Edition)Elfling by Corinna Turner

Elfling is a highly imaginative fantasy novel about a young girl’s quest to find and save her father. Serapia, accompanied by her dragonet pet, goes from a smart, toughened street urchin to a beloved daughter.

Revelations about her parents’ split and the nature of her father’s past sin took me by surprise, propelling the story in a direction I hadn’t anticipated. Serapia’s subsequent (relentless) quest to obtain healing for her father at the hands of an unwilling he-elf examines the nature of evil, sin and its consequences, suffering, forgiveness, and immortality from a Christian perspective.

Although Serapia’s persistent efforts to compel the he-elf include many flashbacks as she regains her memory, I found that segment of the story a bit long, making it somewhat repetitive. Even so, fans of fantasy will enjoy the detailed world and rich story Corinna Turner has created. Continue reading

Moonchild Rising Blog Tour

Shadows of the Sun #1

About the Book:

Mara the Huntress resides in the sunny little town of Archangel, California, the location of the Gate of the Underworld—a fact unknown to the general populace. Most people don’t even know that vampires exist. As Huntress, Mara does know, and it is her job to kill those that dare venture forth to the Upperworld to prey on the humans living there. She is well-suited to this purpose, gifted with skills and talents far surpassing those of ordinary mortals. Though some vampires manage to evade her, she has so far managed to prevent the unleashing of a full-scale infestation. She has been at this job for a good portion of her not-quite twenty years, and it seems she has everything in hand. Then one day she gets a chill of foreboding, a feeling that things are about to change . . .

For she stands in the way of the master vampire’s plan for world domination, and, he fears, may be a key player in the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy foretelling his destruction. One dark night he sends the mighty Prince (his second in command) to put an end to this Huntress, this bane of vampires, once and for all. Mara confidently goes out to face him, but finds she has met her match at last. Just as all hope seems lost, this powerful vampire turns from the “dark side” to become Mara’s ally in the battle against his own kind.

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