Inside the Minds of Authors: An Author Interview Index

Since I began blogging at the beginning  of 2015, I’ve been interviewing authors, asking them about their new books, the themes about which they write, and their writing process. About half of the interviews are with Catholic authors, and the remainder are mostly (but not all) Christian authors, writing in a variety of genres.

It’s been my privilege know and associate with these authors, whose work I so enjoy reading and who inspire me in my own writing.

Photo by KoalaParkLaundromat
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Novels for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

Eight years ago this month, I was powering through the early weeks of pregnancy nausea with my fifth pregnancy. At that point, I’d experienced two full-term pregnancies with two miscarriages sandwiched in between. I thought (hoped, maybe) that since my most recent pregnancy had ended after 41 weeks with a beautiful, healthy baby girl, that my miscarriages were behind me.

I was wrong. Continue reading

An Open Book

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Welcome to the October 2018 edition of An Open Book, hosted both at My Scribbler’s Heart AND!

God and GuinnessThe Search for God and Guinness: A Biography of the Beer that Changed the World by Stephen Mansfield has been playing in my husband’s car, and I catch snippets of it at home while he’s shaving in the morning. More than a book about beer, this is a story beginning in 18th century Ireland and tracing the Guinness family’s faith and social responsibility. My husband has thoroughly enjoyed it.

History of the World in 6 GlassesSomewhat related, the other audiobook “open” here is A History of the World in 6 Glasses by Tom Standage. This book covers the Stone Age to the 21st century and examinees the creation of coffee, wine, tea, spirits, beer, and cola. It’s an interesting lens through which to view world history.

Chasing SomedayCrystal Walton has become one of my favorite clean/inspirational contemporary romance authors. I’m currently devouring the fourth book in her Home in You series.  Chasing Someday is a friends to lovers story, and country boy Chase is the long-suffering friend who needs to convince Livy that there’s way more to their relationship than friendship. But first, she has to spill her secrets and overcome her past. (I’m halfway through and eager for Livy to get the message because Chase is a keeper – virtuous, patient, selfless, and charming.) I recommend the entire series.

Where You LeadI recently finished reading Leslie Wahl’s new mystery/adventure/romance Where You Lead. This is a fun, fast-paced story set in  Washington, DC, in which teens Eve and Nick work to uncover lost gold treasure from the Civil War. (Nick is another super good guy – faith-filled and responsible – paired well with the lively Eve.) Tweens and teens will enjoy this fun novel.

The Canterbury TalesIn his trek through medieval literature, my son has moved on to The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. He’d picked up a Penguin Classic copy of the book at a used bookstore on our summer vacation, and will now be reading it for his Humanities class. If you’re never read any of The Canterbury Tales, it is a group of diverse tales told by a group of pilgrims and includes romances, allegories, and farce.

Saint Margaret MaryMy fifth grader was asking about First Friday Devotions, so I handed her Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (and the Sacred Heart of Jesus) by Emily  Marsh. She absolutely loved this illustrated chapter book and read it in a day! It’s an easy-to-read biography with a pronunciation guide, glossary, and prayers as well. I’m interested in doing an enthronement to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in our home, so I consider this my daughter’s primer.

This Little Prayer of MineSome nights, when we’re running late and I need to get the little kids in bed pronto, I choose a combination bedtime story/prayer. I have a couple of books that fit the bill, and my youngest daughter grabbed this one from the shelf a few nights ago. This Little Prayer of Mine by Anthony DeStefano and Mark Elliott is a simple, warmly illustrated prayer that teaches children to turn to God in all circumstances: fear, sadness, joy, thanksgiving, etc.

Secrets of the RainforestSecrets of the Rain Forest: A Shine-a-Light Book  by Carron Brown is one of my kindergarten son’s favorite books! He loves turning out the lights and viewing the hidden rain forest creatures with a flashlight. Brightly illustrated and easy to read, this book makes a great gift as well. (You could even pair it with a flashlight!)

What are you reading? Share it at An Open Book and find new book recommendations too! #openbook Share on X

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Want more details on An Open Book? You can also sign up for An Open Book reminder email, which goes out one week before the link-up. No blog? That’s okay. Just tell us what you’re reading in the comment box.

An Open Book: All of the Linkup Details

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If you been following An Open Book or linking your reading posts, you’ll notice I’ve updated our images. They are fresh, crisp, and blend well with, which co-hosts the linkup!

An Open Book is a forum for you to share what you and/or your family has been reading. I include what every member of the family has been reading or listening to in my monthly post, but you can include only  what YOU are reading, book reviews you’ve written, an Instagram post, a YouTube video, or whatever link-able content you’d like. Continue reading

Where You Lead by Leslea Wahl Blog Tour

Where You Lead

Where You Lead

by Leslea Wahl

Sixteen-year-old Eve Donahue’s lonely existence changes in an instant when visions of a mysterious stranger haunt her. Certain God is calling her for a mission, she bravely says yes and begins her quest to meet this young man.

Thousands of miles away, Nick Hammond has been dealing with his own unusual experience, an unwavering certainness to convince his father to run for political office.

When these two unlikely teens finally meet, their belief that God has called them to work together sets them on a journey of faith to untangle a web of deception involving international trade agreements, lost confederate gold, and a blossoming romance. As they follow century old clues, they realize God can call us all in big and small ways. We just need to listen and say “Yes Lord, I will go where You lead.” Continue reading

Relevant Fiction Reviews: Classics (II)

Relevant Fiction Reviews

Classics The Scarlet Pimpernel, Jane Eyre & The Moviegoer: My takes in Relevant Fiction Reviews. Share on X

The Scarlet PimpernelThe Scarlet Pimpernel by Emmuska Orczy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

While I was familiar with the book’s title, I had absolutely no idea what to expect from The Scarlet Pimpernel. I found the first few chapters slow, but once the narrative concentrated on Sir Percy and Lady Marguerite, I was hooked.

The Scarlet Pimpernel’s daring and courageous rescue of French aristocrats during the French Revolution made for exciting adventure. Coupled with the self-discovery made by the Blakeneys, I thoroughly enjoyed the tale. Their eventual humiliation (in the true sense of being humbled) and sacrifice for one another made for a satisfying ending.

Probably the most fun I’ve had with a classic! Continue reading

How My Mom Changed Lives One Chocolate Chip at a Time

By most standards, my mother didn’t accomplish anything noteworthy in her 91 years.

She came from a Depression-era household, a row home filled by her parents and 10 siblings. They spoke one language.

She didn’t finish high school.

Once she had her first child at age 28, she was never employed again.

My mother was married only once, for 50 years. She bore four children, and buried one.

Ten miles was about the limit of how far she’d drive from her home. I don’t recall her ever driving in the city. The farthest west she traveled was Illinois, and she never left the lower 48 states.

She never posted a single thing on social media. In fact, she never owned a cell phone or used a computer.

Her home was decorated simply; the only wall decorations I recall are a crucifix and a mirror. At Christmas, we added matching Styrofoam Santa heads and a beer can wreath. At least until Home Interiors and Gifts found her in the 1980s.

Over a few days greeting her friends and family at the funeral home this summer, her legacy become clear:

She baked. Continue reading