An Open Book

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Welcome to the October 2022 edition of An Open Book, hosted both at My Scribbler’s Heart and!

Murder Most Picante

A cozy mystery. A fantastical dragon story. A comedy. Theologically-sound Catholic fiction. Murder Most Picante by Karina Fabian is all of these and more. I’m thoroughly enjoying the author’s humor delivered via Vern the Dragon’s first-person account of his trials in the world of the Mundane. (That’s where we live.) Smart, short, and entertaining. Now I know what all the fuss about Vern is for!

Encountering Signs of Faith

I’m a couple of chapters into Encountering Signs of Faith: My Unexpected Journey with Sacramentals, Saints, and the Abundant Grace of God by Allison Gingras. It’s a cohesive blend of the author’s experience adopting a profoundly deaf daughter from China, the Church’s sacramentals, and the saints. It starts with probably my favorite sacramental: the Miraculous Medal. I’m looking forward to learning more about some sacramentals I may be less familiar with.

FP Rosary Prayer Book

Since I received a copy of Father Peyton’s Rosary Prayer Book: The Family the Prays Together Stays Together by Patrick Peyton, I’ve been taking it to weekly Eucharistic Adoration, when I have time to concentrate on the Rosary. Don’t get me wrong—I’m distracted at Adoration too, but possibly less so than in other places as I’m not rushed. This book fits so nicely in my hands, and with its short reflections, slows me down and helps keep me on track. I highlight lines that I want to contemplate and spend some minutes mulling over or return to later.

Lord of the Rings and the Eucharist

My husband has been reading The Lord of the Rings and the Eucharist by Scott L. Smith. As you’d likely guess from the title, the author examines author J.R.R. Tolkein’s devotion to the Eucharist and its significance in his novels, particularly the Lord of the Rings series. I don’t think my husband’s very far into the book, so it’s hard to say how this book fares in comparison to others that address Tolkein’s Catholicism as woven throughout his work.

The Two Towers

My oldest son has been reading The Two Towers, also by J.R.R. Tolkein. I think the anticipation of Amazon’s Rings of Power series spurred his interest in reading the book after he’d listened to the first book of the trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring, on audiobook. He’s enjoyed the books much more than Amazon’s LOTR-inspired series, The Rings of Power. While it’s visually appealing, he’s not enjoyed the TV series. (I asked why he keeps watching, and he says it’s like a train wreck. He can’t look away.)

Inherit the Wind

I last mentioned Inherit the Wind: The Powerful Drama of the Greatest Courtroom Clash of the Century by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee in 2017, when my oldest son read it. My daughter is now reading it for her Humanities class, which blends perfectly with her history studies. Some of her friends are also cast in the school’s fall production of the play, so she’ll truly be able to appreciate this story and its context. The play is based on the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial regarding a teacher accused of teaching the theory of evolution.

I Survived the Great Molasses Flood

In addition to reading some books I’ve already shared here as her older siblings read them, my fifth-grade daughter is reading I Survived the Great Molasses Flood, 1919 by Lauren Tarshis. I don’t know how I made it to my forties without hearing of this disaster, but I’ve been absolutely fascinated by it since. (If you know a good book for adults on the subject, please share!) If you’re unfamiliar, the flood occurred in Boston when 2.4 million gallons of molasses rushed through the streets. Twenty-one people died and 150 suffered injuries. Weird, wild stuff.

My Catholic Picture Bible Stories

Ascension Press publishes many sturdy, colorful, useable books for young Catholic children. My Catholic Picture Bible Stories by Jan Godfrey and Angela Jolliffe includes one- to two-page Bible stories with big, bright illustrations to capture the attention of the littlest kids. They’re organized and color-coded according to Ascension’s Great Adventure Bible timeline. It can serve as a great introduction to the best-known stories and characters of the Bible from both the Old and New Testaments.

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4 Books to Enhance Your Devotion to the Rosary

Father Peyton’s Rosary Prayer Book: The Family That Prays Together Stays Together by Patrick Peyton

Father Peyton's Rosary Prayer Book

If you want to invigorate your love of the Rosary, I suggest you start with watching Pray: The Story of Patrick Peyton. This well-told, well-produced story of Father Peyton’s life will light a spiritual fire under you. Then, pick up Father Peyton’s Rosary Prayer Book to accompany you as you pray.

This compact book filled with varied reflections for each mystery of the Rosary is my new Adoration companion. I can easily zip through the prayers of the Rosary without much thought or any contemplation. Often, I’ve prayed a decade without even realizing it.

This book fits so nicely in my hands, and with its short reflections, slows me down and helps keep me on track. I highlight lines that I want to contemplate and spend some minutes mulling over or return to later.

(Includes reflections on the Luminous Mysteries, too, in the style of Father Peyton.)

4 Books to Enhance Your Devotion to the Rosary – Just in time for October, the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary. Share on X

Joyful Encounters with Mary by Maria V. Gallagher

Joyful Encounters with Mary

Joyful Encounters with Mary is a wonderful Rosary companion suitable both for women new to the prayer and those who have already made a habit of it. Maria Gallagher helps the reader to delve into the the episodes of Mary’s life using personal, relatable stories, lives of the saints, and insightful questions for reflection.

With its cheery, welcoming cover, this book would make a great gift for any Catholic woman.

A Single Bead by Stephanie Engelman

A Single Bead

You might think a book about rosary beads would be a little dull. Maybe a little dry, dusty, and dated. You’d be wrong.

A Single Bead by Stephanie Engelman is real, relevant, and, in spots, riveting. It doesn’t gloss over the suffering from which none of us escape. Kate, whose immediate family is marginally Catholic, at best, is grieving the loss of her grandmother. More troubling, however, is her mother’s inability to cope as she sinks into a pit of depression.

A single bead provides hope to Kate, and as the story progresses, to all of her family. Through a single bead, the discovery of subsequent beads, and the experiences of those who possess them, hope and faith bloom. In the end, A Single Bead is a beautiful testament to the power of a prayer and a touching portrait of the love that accompanies each prayer.

For those new to the Rosary or skeptical of Catholic practices, you’ll get a thorough (not preachy) explanation. Any notions of superstition or “magic” associated with the prayers or objects is handily dispelled.

Despite the fact that the point of view character is a sixteen-year-old girl, I think boys would enjoy the story as well. It’s honest and human – not girly in any way. Appropriate for teens of all ages. (And enjoyable for adults, too, because we all need a reminder of the power of prayer.)

Pray and Think Imaginative Rosary Book by Candace Camling

Pray and Think Imaginative Rosary Book

What I love most about the Ascension Press book Pray and Think Imaginative Rosary Book by Candace Camling is how it teaches children how to mediate on the mysteries of the Rosary. Any number of books explain how to use rosary beads, recite prayers, or even focus on related images—including this one, but not how to meditate. Using a simple illustration for each mystery, it helps children focus on a specific part of the image (i.e., a dove, lilies, the Blessed Mother) and think about each, its connotations, and its symbolism with questions to prompt deeper thought. I found it helpful even as an adult.


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An Open Book

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Welcome to the September 2022 edition of An Open Book, hosted both at My Scribbler’s Heart and!

Wise Blood

I’ve been listening to Flannery O’Connor’s novel Wise Blood while I’m driving about alone, which means it’s taking me a long time to get through it. The novel centers around Hazel Motes, who establishes The Church of God Without Christ, yet can’t seem to escape God’s reach. I took Katie’s recommendation to listen on audiobook, and the narration by Bronson Pinchot is excellent! The distinct voices, accents, and personality he brings to the characters has enhanced my appreciation for the story. I’m not certain I’ve yet acquired a taste for O’Connor, which is akin to heresy, I know. I’ve still got a lot of the book remaining, so I’m not going to make any judgments about it, but I do find it difficult to hear the Lord’s name used in vain so, so many times.

Miss Percy's Pocket Guide

In a totally different fiction vein, I read Quenby Olson’s Miss Percy’s Pocket Guide (to the Care and Feeding of British Dragons). Both Mildred Percy’s and the author’s voices are delightful in this fantastical historical novel. Sharply, smartly written and wildly creative, it’s no wonder so many readers have enjoyed it.  Mildred’s slow arc from browbeaten spinster sister to confident, adventurous, dragon-raising woman is a pleasure to read. The minor characters are three-dimensional, and the pacing is good, even for a longish novel.

To Tame a Cowboy

I’ve been reading Jody Hedlund’s Colorado Cowboy series, continuing with To Tame a Cowboy. A lot of the book felt formulaic, but the last third delivered the character growth I was waiting for. Brody is a Civil War veteran working on his brother’s ranch and keeping to himself until Savannah, a veterinarian trying to avoid being wed to a man she doesn’t love, comes to tend to their animals. Her fiancé and some cattlemen cause some interference for the two. I’ve really grown to love the Rocky Mountain setting in this series.

What Matters Most

Because I’ve enjoyed so many of Courtney Walsh’s contemporary Christian romances, I picked up her latest, What Matters Most. I’m not quite finished with it, but it’s not my favorite of hers. Despite the two main characters being artists (a watercolor painter and a photographer), it feels a little uninspired. Emma is a widow and mom to five-year-old CJ and has been merely going through the motions since her husband was killed in action five years earlier. Jameson shows up on her doorstep with a secret related to her husband’s death but doesn’t get around to revealing it until they’ve fallen in love. And Emma has a shameful secret too. The writing’s fine, but this one just isn’t grabbing me.


Masaru by Michael T. Cibenko tells the story of a boy, Shiro, during the Christian persecutions and martyrdoms in 16thcentury Japan. Shiro’s family are recent converts to Christianity, and Shiro is studying to be a healer, but when their church is closed and their priest is arrested, he and his friend Tomi are called to action, which dominates the latter part of the book. The many names of historical and military figures made the story a little off-putting for me, unfortunately. Exploring Christian history and culture in Japan, however, was interesting.

The Silmarillion

Before returning to college, my oldest son read J.R.R. Tolkein’s The Silmarillion. It works as an origin story for The Lord of the Rings. From the description (because my eyes glaze over when encountering most fantasy books): The Silmarillion is the history of the rebellion of Fëanor and his kindred against the gods, their exile from Valinor and return to Middle-earth, and their war, hopeless despite all their heroism, against the great Enemy.

Pride and Prejudice

For her summer reading assignment, my high school daughter chose the classic Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I read her journal reflections before she turned them in, and it was clear she despised Lydia. (As well she should.) One of the joys of reading a classic like this, I think, is understanding more literary references. She truly enjoyed the novel, and we’re looking forward to watching one of the movie adaptions. (She’s already seen the 2005 Keira Knightley version.)

Misty of Chincoteague

We brought home books for everyone from our local library’s annual book sale. My fifth-grade daughter picked up Misty of Chincoteague. She remembers seeing the wild horses on Assateague while on a family vacation, so I thought she might enjoy this classic, though I’ve never read it. Phantom is a seldom-seen pony that roams with a band of wild ponies, but her colt, Misty, is easily tamed. It’s Misty who is the center of the story.


Also at the library book sale, my fourth-grade son picked up Boba Fett: Crossfire by Terry Bisson. My kids have great affection for The Clone Wars animated series, and this book concerns that segment of the Star Wars universe. Boba Fett thinks Count Dooku will help him become a bounty hunter, but instead he ends up caught in the crossfire on Dooku’s toxic planet, Raxus Prime.

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Puppies, Possibilities, and God’s Generosity

I’ve been married 25 years, and I brought a couple of small pets into marriage that died before we’d even had children. We had a couple of temporary wild toad “pets” to facilitate a Boy Scout merit badge, a snail that I’m not even sure is still alive, and a super small flock of Coturnix quails that are egg-laying quasi-pets. No mammals. Until now.

Our kids had been asking for a dog for years, but we held off for various reasons. Earlier this year, we began the search in earnest with a short checklist of preferences about what this pup would look like. At the top of the list was price. We couldn’t pay what amounted to a mortgage payment or more for an animal. We asked around and filled out numerous adoption applications with no luck.

Then on a work appointment, my husband talked to a couple who passed on the name of the place they’d found their puppy. My husband called and learned about a couple of mixed breed pups (from an accidental litter) that sounded like what we’d been looking for.

My husband and I drove about an hour to see the two puppies available, with one in particular in mind. They called her Molly.

Well, we came home that day with Molly (now Tillie), a bag of puppy kibble, and an eagerness to share this sweet animal with our children.

We marveled at how perfect Tillie was. She checked off all of the boxes we’d been looking for and then some. She was gentle, patient, and adorable.

And we were so grateful to get her. Three of my children came to me independently to say how blessed we were to have found Tillie and how thankful they were to their dad and me for bringing her home.

See, we’d gotten discouraged after months of not finding the right dog. Or thinking we had and learning it was no longer available for adoption. But there were those couple of puppies . . . Mocha and Molly, wasn’t it?

And then we remembered.

We’d seen Molly before. She and her litter mate were the adorable tiny puppies we’d seen listed online earlier in the summer. We’d wanted to inquire, but they’d been adopted. Or so we thought.

My husband pulled up Tillie’s photo from at least six-eight weeks earlier. Yep. That was the pup. The one we ooh-ed and ahh-ed over, thinking we’d found our family dog at last. The one who’d slipped through our fingers.

I’d prayed that we’d find the dog. The one that suited our family. The one God had in mind for us. My husband had prayed about this dog at Adoration the night before we picked her up.

God didn’t give us just one chance at Tillie. He gave us two!

God didn't give us just one chance at Tillie. He gave us two! Via Puppies, Possibilities, and God's Generosity Share on X

I’ve readily accepted that God gives us many, many chances when it comes to forgiveness and redemption, but I haven’t always recognized the chances he gives us in fulfilling the desires of our hearts.

When it comes to morality, our course of action is usually obvious. If we’ve developed our consciences and are attuned to the Holy Spirit’s promptings, we recognize the right course of action. But so many decisions, either insignificant or life-altering, aren’t matters of strict right or wrong but about discerning God’s will.

It’s those decisions that can leave us feeling like one misstep can throw our lives off course. How many of us, looking back, have wondered if we’ve chosen the right course of study, the right profession, the right job, the right relationship, the right spouse, the right opportunity, or the right risk? Especially in times of discouragement, it’s tempting to wonder if God doesn’t care about those things at all. And if we’ve made the “wrong” decision, can we ever reverse course? Are we left to stumble blindly due to one misstep? Do we forfeit happiness because we chose wrongly?

Tillie is a furry-faced reminder that God cares deeply not only about the little things in our lives, but that He will answer our prayers by whatever means He pleases – even if we’ve veered off course. Even if we miss an opportunity or make the wrong call.

Tillie’s just a dog. But when I see Tillie, I see God’s hand. I see a Father who delights in my family’s joy.


An Open Book

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Welcome to the August 2022 edition of An Open Book, hosted both at My Scribbler’s Heart and!

Somehow, I squeezed in a lot of reading in the past month. Maybe it was vacation. Maybe it was a string of good books. I even have a few books in progress that I’ll hold until next month. Let’s get to it!

In Honor's Defense

Karen Witemeyer’s Christian historical romances are incredibly consistent in quality, but I particularly enjoyed In Honor’s Defense. It’s last in a series but can stand alone. I appreciated that the connection between a hardened, lonely cowboy/vigilante and an overlooked, citified woman was based on a connection more than skin deep. Damaris provides the compassion, tenderness, and stability that Luke has never had. He provides the affection and attention she’s never received. The story has plenty of action and a little mystery as they work to uncover who wants to take the land left to Damaris’s orphaned nephew by any means necessary.

Love and the Dream Come True

Love and the Dream Come True by Tammy L. Gray is also last (I think!) in a series. I’m a third of the way through the novel focused on a character who’s had his share of time “on screen” in the first two books in the series. In both books, Cameron, an aspiring musician, has been dumped, to put it bluntly. The second instance left him bereft of the love of his life and his friends/bandmates. Now he’s reached stardom, but he’s as lonely and anxiety ridden as ever. Enter his sister’s friend, Lexie, who’s had a crush on him since they were young and has perpetuated an imaginary relationship with him for more than a decade while raising her sister’s daughter. Cameron still has a way to go to make me like him, so I’m eager to see how this turns out. 

Merrying the Cowboy

I did a little Christmas in July reading with Crystal Walton’s Merrying the Cowboy. If you like Hallmark Christmas movies, you’ll enjoy this one. It follows the format closely with the career-oriented city woman returning to the small town to help her ailing mother. While there, she can’t escape painful losses or her old boyfriend, a cowboy with some regrets where she’s concerned. The story flows smoothly and easily.

Harvest Moon

Yet another third in the series is Denise Hunter’s Harvest Moon. It didn’t hurt that this series, set in a North Carolina Appalachian Trail town ushered in my hiking/camping vacation that included some Appalachian Trail hikes. Mulberry Hollow addresses some serious grief and unresolved issues between a divorced couple left with (temporary) custody of their friends’ young daughter. From book one, the reader knows that Laurel and Gavin buried their own young son, and Denise Hunter does a great job of drawing out the tension surrounding that loss until well into this third book. Like Karen Witemeyer, I find Denise Hunter’s writing very consistent.

Mulberry Hollow  immediately precedes Harvest Moon. It’s probably my favorite of the three books as it’s the most trail-oriented. Wes is hiking part of the Appalachian Trail for a fallen friend. He gets sick and ends up on the door of the local town’s health clinic where Avery, the town doctor, nurses him back to health. He can’t pay her, so he remodels a small guest property that Avery hopes will help lure another doctor to her practice to lighten her load. As you might guess, they’re attracted to one another, but Wes has promised to head north to the sister of his fallen friend, and Avery has committed herself to being single due to the possibility of a hereditary health condition. Don’t worry. It all works out.


Jocelyn by Sarah Monzon is another rom-com in the Sewing in So Cal series. I think I liked the first book, Molly, better, but this one is much like the first in tone and mood. These are relatively short, light reads that I’ve found refreshing. This one has a little of the cowboy/ranch hand thing going for it in a contemporary setting and is set apart by featuring a Black couple, which I don’t see a whole lot in Christian romance.

Child, Unwanted

I did read more than romance in July, and here’s evidence. Child, Unwanted by Corinna Turner is the next in her Friends in High Places series. Daniel, the main character of the first book in the series is featured prominently in this story of a young boy, Miracle, scarred from birth by a failed abortion, who lands in foster care and then suffers a near-fatal accident. He’s got a lot to suffer. Daniel is there as a companion and so is St. Margaret of Castello. I knew very little about this recently canonized saint who suffered both physically and emotionally her entire life. As an aside, Corinna Turner is the only author I know who can confine her protagonist to a hospital bed in a single room and still make the story engrossing. (This isn’t the first time she’s done it.)

In the Shadows of Freedom

In the Shadows of Freedom by C. & C. Spellman is the first book in a dystopian series. In it, the United States is governed by what I’d call a totalitarian libertarianism, odd as that sounds. The story of a disaffected young woman, Amanda, includes supernatural elements and an exploration of freedom versus licentiousness. Amanda cultivates troublesome relationships that promote drug experimentation and draw her further from the faith of her childhood. 

Shenandoah Heritage

While on vacation, my college-age son picked up a small book about the lives of the mountain families whose homes were taken by eminent domain to establish Shenandoah National Park. Shenandoah Heritage: The Story of the People Before the Park by Carolyn Reeder and Jack Reeder features stories of families and individuals who resisted leaving their homes. Many of the residents were stereotyped as uneducated and lazy and became part of a campaign to relocate residents against their will, for their own good, of course. It was terribly unjust.

The Scourging Angel

The Scourging Angel: The Black Death in the British Isles by Benedict Gummer was snagged at a library sale and has sat on our shelf for a while. My son picked it up and dug in. It includes information on the plague itself with a focus on Britain and how it was affected by the disease and related upheaval. I imagine this is more interesting reading having lived through the last couple of years.

The Beatryce Prophecy

Based on a recommendation from an An Open Book post last month, I requested The Beatryce Prophecy by Kate DiCamillo from the local library. My almost fifth-grade daughter has enjoyed many of Kate DiCamillo’s books, and she enjoyed reading this one at our campsite on vacation. This illustrated story set in medieval times traces the journey of Beatryce, who is nursed to health by a monk. There’s a prophecy about Beatryce, and the king is after her. 

Little House on the Prairie

The same daughter is reading Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder, the second book in the beloved series. Interestingly, I heard her spouting facts she’d learned from this and the first book while we were hiking. She’s picking up on natural history and pioneer survival skills. This book involves the Ingalls family traveling by covered wagon to Kansas territory.

Splatoon v. 10

My youngest son picked Splatoon Vol. 10 by Sankichi Hinodeya from the library. I don’t have much to say about these books, which are comic book adaptions of the video game. You defeat enemies by spraying them with paint. The interesting thing to me about these books is that they are read from back to front as one would do in Japan.

Catholic Bible Chronicles

If you’re looking for readable Bible stories for children, Catholic Bible Chronicles: 70 Bible Stories from Adam to the Apostles may fit the bill. The stories, adapted by Amy Welborn for Ascension Kids, are illustrated with a single picture and include a reference to the relevant Bible chapters. Stories are organized according to Ascension’s The Bible Timeline, which orders books according to Salvation History. It’s a large, sturdy hardback that can survive heavy use by many little hands.

An Ark Full of Animals

An Ark Full of Animals by Renita Boyle is a colorful picture book adaption of the story of Noah’s Ark that works best as a read aloud with rhyming, alliteration, and fun, descriptive language. The book is sturdy and visually appealing, something I’ve come to recognize as a quality of books from Ascension Kids.

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What a Brewing Competition Reminded Me about Writing: 5 Lessons for Authors

My husband recently participated in a home brewing contest. While there, I did something I’d never done before – poured beer for hundreds of people. Observing the brewers, their families, and their interactions, I realized they had a lot in common with the writing community. Namely creativity, camaraderie, affability, and their support and encouragement of one another.

Throughout the day, I observed many parallels that translate easily from beer to books.

Lesson 1: Presentation may or may not be indicative of content quality.

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Relevant Fiction Reviews: Road Trip Romance!

Relevant Fiction Reviews

Summer’s here, and it’s time for a road trip! If the price of gas is keeping you close to home, take a virtual trip with a fictional road trip. Here are several I recommend:

This Life (Murphy Brothers #4)This Life by Jennifer Rodewald
If you’ve read books 1-3 in the Murphy Brothers series, you probably didn’t care much for cold, snooty Kate and Jacob. Especially once you learned that they’d betrayed Jackson Murphy. There’s a world of pain and insecurity hiding beneath that hoity-toity veneer, and Jennifer Rodewald exposes every last drop of it by letting her characters hit rock bottom and then sending them on the road, where simplicity and intimacy is forced upon them.

As the story says, the worst times can end up becoming the best times, once we’ve stripped away all the excess that has been distracting us from what’s most important: God and relationships being at the top of that list.

This Life also delves into a theme I’ve not often seen in romance – the dignity of work. God made work for man, not the other way around, and that’s ably demonstrated here.

This isn’t your typical romance – the characters are already married – but it’s an important story about redemption and second chances. And even if you’ve never declared bankruptcy and boondocked across the American West in a schoolie, you may recognize yourself in Jacob and Kate – your shame, pride, cowardice, and your resistance to complete honesty and vulnerability, even with those closest to you. Even your spouse. I know I saw a little of myself there, and I’m better for having read This Life.
Relevant Fiction Reviews: Road Trip Romance! Avoid the pain at the pump and take a fictional ride. Share on X Continue reading