Seven Quick Takes Friday

Seven Quick Takes Friday

Signs of Spring

My two pregnancies characterized by round-the-clock severe nausea coincided with spring. For several years after the second of those pregnancies, the dawn of spring itself nauseated me. Associations are tricky things. Thankfully, those seasons have past, and I can appreciate the beauty and wonder of spring again.

Being that last week’s egg hunt and baseball practice were canceled due to snow, I’d started to wonder if spring would actually show its face in 2015. It may be a little late this year, but all the signs are there.


Our hyacinths are poking their way up through last year’s leaves.

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Seven Quick Takes Friday

Seven Quick Takes Friday

Partners In Crime

Patience has been in short supply lately. (A natural byproduct of having babies in your 40s?) I’ve caught myself speaking to my kids in an irritated tone or tending to their needs in a begrudging manner.

Our children are a huge blessing, and I’m making a greater effort to be fully-present to them and remind myself how privileged I am to be their momma. So, I’ve spent more time making them smile and laugh, which is a beautifully simple thing at their ages. When they aren’t destroying things, whining, or pitching fits, they are easy to love. Continue reading