I confess. I stole my husband’s bible. More than once.
Sure, I have a battered New American Bible from college. And a New Jerusalem Bible, also from college. We have a large, elaborately illustrated family bible. But when I wanted to grab a bible for study or reading, I stole my husband’s Revised Standard Version-Catholic Edition in its lovely leather case.
Enter the Ignatius Note-Taking & Journaling Bible Revised Standard Version Second Catholic Edition, and I’m a reformed thief. And, as a matter of cosmic justice, my Bible is often now stolen from me!
The black leather-like cover of this Bible is sleek, attractive, and durable and includes a black elastic strap to keep it from flapping open when not in use. The square, rather than common rectangular shape balances nicely in my hands when I’m juggling a computer mouse, pen, and tablet and fits comfortably in my lap.
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