An Open Book

An Open Book CatholicMom

Welcome to the June 2016 edition of An Open Book, hosted both at My Scribbler’s Heart AND!

Drinking with the Saints coverMy kids and I gave Drinking with the Saints: the Sinner’s Guide to Happy Hour by Michael P. Foley to my husband for Father’s Day last year (along with The Catholic Drinkie’s Guide to Home Brewed Evangelism, which I mentioned last month). This reference book is often open at our house, too. My husband and I were raised in suburban Pittsburgh in what could be called a shot-and-a-beer town. When our parents cleaned out their liquor cabinets, we inherited a few dusty bottles of vintage liquors that we didn’t know how to mix. In other words, we were completely ignorant of cocktails, mixing, and anything more sophisticated than a can of Iron City. Organized according to the church calendar, this fascinating book matches the feasts of the saints with an appropriate drink. For instance, to commemorate St. Norbert on June 6, drink a White Spider, which is made with vodka, white crème de menthe and light crème de cacao. Why? Because “One of St. Norbert’s symbols in Christian art is a spider. As the story has it, he was celebrating Mass when he noticed a venomous spider in the Precious Chalice but drank anyway rather than pour it out. He was miraculously preserved from harm.” This beautiful hardcover book, complete with detailed recipes and illustrations of the saints, makes a beautiful and thoughtful gift. It has introduced us to some delicious beers and cocktails, as well as some extraordinary legends. My husband often shares the stories behind the saints and the drinks with the whole family even if he is the only one enjoying a drink.

Rebecca coverWhen I was a child, my parents took me to a weekly series of classic movies, some of which were directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Among them was the haunting Rebecca (1940), which I loved. When I saw the Daphne du Maurier novel Rebecca available as a prize at our library’s summer reading program last year, I snagged it. I’ve just begun reading it, on the heels of a book hangover from Amy Harmon’s The Song of David. (Amy Harmon’s storytelling mesmerizes me.) Anyway, I’m looking forward to immersing myself in Rebecca, although my cover isn’t as modern and attractive as the one shown here.

Onion John coverWhen I was scouring the library last month for historical fiction for my seventh grader, one of the librarians recommended Onion John, a Newbery Medal-winning novel by Joseph Krumgood. Frankly, the Amazon reviews are mixed. My son, however, is enjoying it although he said it got off to a slow start. The description reads: “The story of a friendship between a 12-year-old boy and an immigrant handyman, almost wrecked by the good intentions of the townspeople.” A Newbery winner and no one could come up with a tad longer blurb? Not that it makes a difference, but my son is reading the 1959 hardcover copy with what now looks to be a hokey cover image. It’s interesting how the same novels are repackaged to suit the times (see Rebecca above).

Gus Was a Friendly Ghost coverI’ve done more middle-of-the-night parenting with my second-grade daughter than with any of my other children. She suffers from fleeting belly aches and headaches that sometimes require the comfort of mom at two a.m. I often read aloud to help distract her from her discomfort. Our go-to books for healing, for some reason, are the Berenstain Bears. Not able to locate those books, I turned to Gus. Our hardcover version of Gus Was A Friendly Ghost by Jane Thayer belonged to my husband, but the second I first removed it from a box his parents had given us, I knew it. I had the same book, which my own mother read to me again and again. Each glimpse at the orange and purple illustrations in this book is so sentimental to me that I’ve lost all objectivity. Simply put, it’s the story of a ghost who takes in a cranky mouse during the winter. Try it; you might like it!

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus coverAfter storytime at the library, my three-year-old selected Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems, a Caldecott Honor Book. (I prefer Mo Willems’ Knuffle Bunny books.) My little boy and his four-year-old sister love these pigeon books, which have grown on me over time. With simple text and equally simple illustrations, these books and the interaction they encourage seem to appeal to preschoolers.

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Want more details on An Open Book? You can also sign up for An Open Book reminder email, which goes out one week before the link-up. No blog? That’s okay. Just tell us what you’re reading in the comment box.


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An Open Book

An Open Book CatholicMom

Welcome to the May 2016 edition of An Open Book, now hosted both at My Scribbler’s Heart AND!

Home Brewed EvangelismWhile my husband read this book last summer, he’s been referring to it often lately. It’s The Catholic Drinkie’s Guide to Home Brewed Evangelism, by Sarah Vabulas, and he’s been trying out her home brewing recipes. “Where faith meets brew” is an apt description for the book, which is part history of alcohol in the Catholic Church, part home brew recipe book. My husband finds the step-by-step instructions helpful for beginners. His favorite recipe so far is for an Irish blonde ale nicknamed If St. Brigid Had a Lake of Beer . . .

Dying for Revenge coverI’ve been reading the next release from the publisher of Stay With Me, Full Quiver Publishing. Dying for Revenge by Barbara Golder will be available on Kindle May 20 and in print on June 1. If you like mysteries, I encourage you to check this one out. The characters are distinct and well-developed and the storytelling is gritty without being vulgar. I’ll be posting more about Dying for Revenge on my blog after its release.

Notorious Benedict ArnoldMy soon-to-be-teen son is completing his school literature requirements. He informed me that all that remained were several historical fiction novels, so I found a few books for him at the library, including The Notorious Benedict Arnold: A True Story of Adventure, Heroism & Treachery. He’s really enjoyed studying colonial history this year, so I thought this would interest him, and I was correct: this is the first book that  he went for of the four I brought home.  Upon closer examination, I realized it’s a biography, not historical fiction. Oops. Still looks like a great book; I think I’m gong to read it, too.

Chronicles of NarniaMy husband retrieved some boxed books from storage. Unfortunately, we have more books than we have shelf space, and many are relegated to the attic. He brought down a large, bound collection of The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis for our second-grade daughter. (Our cover depicts the White Witch as she appeared in the movie adaption.) Our daughter has seen the first of the movies and is eager to read the series. I will probably try to read it aloud to her, if possible. True confession: I never heard of the series until I was well into adulthood, and I’ve only read a couple of the books. (Ducking my head in shame.) I’m living proof that a shoddy literary education does not forestall enjoying classics later in life.

three billy goats gruffOn a short day hike recently, I discovered a gaping hole in my youngest children’s folk tale and fable knowledge. As we crossed a small bridge, I remarked on there being a troll beneath, which was met with crickets. Not literal crickets as it was only April, but metaphorical crickets since my preschoolers weren’t familiar with my reference. Somehow, I’d failed to read to them the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff, one of my childhood favorites. Conveniently, we had fed goats over the preceding weekend, and they were familiar with the goats’ affinity for wildflowers. Our evenings lately are spent “trip-trapping” through bedtime prep as one or more kids act out the tale.

the boy who cried wolf For good measure, I also grabbed a copy of The Boy Who Cried Wolf from the library, another of my childhood favorites. There’s nothing particularly special about the edition that I checked out of the library. In fact, I’m sure other versions have more engaging illustrations. Even so, my three youngest kids were pretty attentive to the timeless story about the perils of habitual lying.

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Want more details on An Open Book? You can also sign up for An Open Book reminder email, which goes out one week before the link-up. No blog? That’s okay. Just tell us what you’re reading in the comment box.


Top 10 Tuesday: My Latest 5-Star Reads

I’m linking up with The Broke and the Bookish (which describes me quite well) for my latest 5-star reads! I know first-hand the importance of reviews, so I review most – but not all – books I read. I reviewed each of the books listed below on Amazon and Goodreads. Each was read sometime between early January 2016 and now, and for those who are concerned with such things, all are “clean” reads. I’m kind of surprised as I look over this list that only two are standalone novels – Jenny B. Jones’s I’ll Be Yours and Quenby Olson’s The Half-Killed. Now, on to the list! Continue reading

An Open Book

An Open BookWelcome to the inaugural An Open Book Link-Up! Let’s get started.

Aftermath Chuck WendigMy husband is reading a couple of Star Wars books: Aftermath by Chuck Wendig and The Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  Of the former, he says it’s taken him way too long to read because “he can’t stand it.” I’ve never heard him complain about writing  before, but apparently the author’s style does not agree with him. At all. I think it has something to do with a multitude of sentence fragments. He’s not alone. With more than 2,000 Amazon reviews, it’s rating is 2.6 of 5 stars. More than a third of the reviews are 1 star.

I imagine writing for a rabid fan base like that of the Star Wars franchise would be a challenge for most anyone. I’ve not glanced at Aftermath (which takes place between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens), but I’ve read some of Chuck Wendig’s often-salty writing posts.  Perhaps he’s an acquired taste. Continue reading

Reading Link-Up: An Open Book

An Open Book CatholicMomOn Wednesday, March 2, I’ll be reviving a reading linkup, and I’d love for you to join me!

#OpenBook will be a monthly link-up each first Wednesday of the month.

  • My post for linking will go up at 5:30 a.m. and remain open until midnight the following Tuesday. So, say life happens and your kids get sick, crunch time hits at work, or a deadline prevents you from finishing your post until Friday – no problem. Link when you can.
  • Post every month, every other month, or whenever you feel like. No commitment or regularity is required, although I’d love it if you’d join us each month.
  • The dates for the remainder of 2016 are: March 2, April 6, May 4, June 1, July 6, August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2, and December 7.
  • Content is flexible. Simply write about what you’re reading. You can make it personal or, as I plan to do, extend it to the whole family. Your post can be as simple as a few lines about the book or as in-depth as a 700-word review. That’s entirely up to you. You can even forego writing all together and record a video or simply post cover photos. Here’s what my first post (under another title) looked like.
  • You are welcome and encouraged to copy and use the custom graphic above, but it’s not mandatory.
  • Don’t have a blog? Share what you’re reading in the comments.
  • Invite your friends and fellow bloggers.

Continue reading

Relevant Fiction Reviews: Conquering Fear and Worry

Relevant Fiction Reviews

In my totally unqualified opinion,  worry and anxiety are epidemics in modern culture. Fear, worry, anxiety –  they all separate us from God’s love. “Be not afraid,” the first words of Pope St. John Paul II’s pontificate, appear frequently in the Gospels. (I’ve found references to those words or a variation appearing from 120 times in the Gospels to 365 times throughout the Bible.) And yet, our lack of faith and our pride prevent us from  taking those words to heart. From letting go and letting God.

Within the space of a few days last month, I read two stellar books that address exactly these issues: one a contemporary romance and the other biblical fiction. Continue reading

Relevant Fiction Reviews: Teen Fiction

Relevant Fiction Reviews

Though I’d rather not think about how long it’s been since my teen years, I’ve enjoyed immersing myself in teen fiction – Catholic teen fiction in particular.

A.J. Cattapan’s  Angelhood could easily have fit into my October reviews, Dealing with Demons. It explores the forces of good and evil (angels and demons) that either pray for or prey upon humans. Roland West, Loner also includes an other-worldy dimension, the communion of saints. Theresa Lindens true-to-life novel is the perfect intersection of the natural and supernatural. Finally, Cynthia Toneys second novel in The Birdface Series, 10 Steps to Girlfriend Status, is planted firmly on earth, as young Wendy Robichaud navigates a multitude of big changes in her life. All three are relatable stories of hope and blossoming maturity suitable for young teens and up. Continue reading