I’m entranced by the Blue Mountains of Virginia, and I love reading books set in the region. I’ve collected a handful that capture that beautiful setting that make me want to head to the mountains. Again. Even their covers beckon me.

The Norgaard brothers, Jargon, Thor, and Haakon, will linger in my imagination for a long, long time. And not only because they are “braw,” fierce protectors, and (for the most part) honorable gentleman. Joanne Bischof’s characterizations are extremely well done – so much so that I could be convinced the brothers were actual historical figures. I can easily imagine Thor stomping through the farm house; Haakon jumping into the pond or climbing the rafters, armed with a rifle; or Jargon steadfastly standing by each.
I recognize the challenge Thor’s character brought to the author, as he is deaf and mute. Certainly a writer’s challenge!
The rural Virginia orchard setting also took up residence in my imagination as I experienced its workings through Aven’s eyes and Thor’s other senses. The setting is its own secondary character, as well rounded as the human characters that live and work in and around the farm.
A beautifully written story that merits a re-read. Continue reading