Valentines Day Audiobook Giveaway

In honor of Valentines Day, I’m giving away an audiobook copy of my edgy inspirational romance Stay With Me. If you like your romance real without being explicit, this one’s for you. Bonus if you like Catholic characters in your Christian fiction.

Read the blurb or peruse the reviews, and if you want to read more about Chris & Rebecca, enter to win by commenting below. (Contest open through midnight EST, February 15, 2017. Winner will be chosen using

Stay With Me audiobook cover

What is the best or worst Valentines gift you’ve received?

The first and best Valentine gift I received from a boyfriend was from my now-husband. He bought me an adorable guinea pig, whom I named Valentine, who was my little buddy through dating, engagement, and the early years of our marriage.


10 Things About Stay With Me You May Not Know

Happy Birthday Stay With Me

I can hardly believe it’s been a year since Stay With Me was launched to the world! Thank you, Full Quiver Publishing, for making it happen. In honor of this monumental occasion, I’m sharing some details about the book that you probably don’t know.

  1. I’ve seen the Dave Matthews Band twice, both pre-1995. The first was at my alma mater, Duquesne University, where they shared billing with Big Head Todd and the Monsters. My husband (then boyfriend) and I left early in DMB’s set through a thick cloud of pot smoke. The second time we saw them was as part of the H.O.R.D.E. Festival (1996?) at then-called Star Lake Amphitheater in Burgettstown, Pennsylvania.
  2. The infamous shower scene wasn’t intended from the beginning. True to life, it just sort of happened.
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Learning to Love with the Saints: Blog Tour and GIVEAWAY!

I’m happy to participate in Jean M. Heimann’s blog tour for her new book, Learning to Love with the Saints: A Spiritual Memoir. I encourage you to follow along on her blog tour, which includes several opportunities to win a paperback copy of this faith-enriching book.

Learning to Love with the SaintsLearning to Love With the Saints cover is the inspiring personal witness of how Jean M. Heimann was wooed by Jesus to return to the Church after being raised Catholic and then leaving her faith for fifteen years. In this riveting memoir, Jean tells the story of growing up in the Midwest in a French-Catholic family during the tumultuous times of the sexual revolution, the Vietnam War and mass misinterpretation of Vatican II in the Church in the ’60s.

Jean expertly weaves Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, Scripture passages, brief biographies of the saints, and poignant quotes from the saints into her story to illustrate how the saints served as spiritual guides who interceded for her, resulting in some astonishing miracles. Through all these trials, it was the saints who restored her faith, kept it alive and helped her discover the meaning of true love. Continue reading

Celebrate National Park Week With A Chance To Win

Today through April 24 is National Park Week 2016 in the U.S. That means admission is FREE at all national parks!

Buck Hollow Overlook Sunrise

Photo courtesy of the National Park Service.

This photo is of a sunrise at Buck Hollow Overlook in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. It was used for the cover of Stay With Me, since the park is the setting for several scenes in the book.

I love our national parks and would love to visit more of them. Do you have a favorite you’ve visited?

To celebrate our beautiful national parks, I’m giving away a Kindle copy of Stay With Me.

Interview with Modern Christian Romance Author Tammy L. Gray

I’m happy to share this interview with one of my favorite authors, Tammy L. Gray. I’ve had the pleasure of reading an advance copy of her new book Sell Out, and it’s a fantastic read. I highly recommend it.

In conjunction with the interview, Tammy is giving away an electronic copy of Sell Out. To enter the giveaway, click on the book cover for Sell Out on the side bar or simply click here. [Giveaway over.]

I read Shattered Rose (which is now permanently free on ebook!) more than two years ago and quickly became hooked on the Winsor Series. Avery’s college experience struck me as authentic. What inspired you to share her story, one I think many young women can relate to?

Tammy L. Gray

Tammy L. Gray

Shattered Rose is honestly a love story to anyone who has struggled with an addiction. It’s about allowing yourself to experience the love of Christ despite mistakes that you make.

For me, I became a Christian as an adult, so much of the college experience I put in there was my own. I think so often, the Christian community wants to close their eyes to the challenges that face our youth. They want to believe their kids would never do such things. But they do. And there’s a reason our teenagers are leaving the faith in droves. They want authenticity. They crave it.

My goal in every book I write is to show God’s incredible glory by showcasing what He can do with flawed people. And despite the masks that we wear, all of us can relate to flawed characters. Continue reading