I’m linking up with Theology is a Verb and Reconciled to You for #WorthRevisit Wednesday Linkup.
Less than two weeks away from Labor Day and fresh from a short but unplugged visit to Shenandoah National Park, this seemed like the perfect post to revisit.
Man has endured work since Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden:
To the man he said: Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, You shall not eat from it,
Cursed is the ground because of you!
In toil you shall eat its yield
all the days of your life. (Gen 3:17)
Yet “work is for man, not man for work.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2428) So, this Labor Day and throughout the year, what can you do bring a bit of genuine leisure to your life? To cultivate a sabbath or respite?
One of the simplest, most beneficial, FREE things you can do is get out into nature. In the weeks before school began, I crammed in some last-minute opportunities to get myself and my children outside. We visited a grotto, gardens, nature trails, and a nature sanctuary.